Sunday, March 15, 2009

The red sofa

Recognizing that Kaden is an ardent TV fan, we decided that he should have his very own sofa.

Testing out the new sofa.

Getting comfy...

Lazy weekend


Mummy dearest

Haircut at Vivo Toys-R-Us

Cutting Kaden's hair is a big affair that needs careful planning. It usually involves some playtime before the actual haircut.

Lunch before the haircut. Kaden doesn't go anywhere without his favourite Dora toy.

Waiter! This this this... Thing is too salty!
Slide at the Vivo playground. Little does he know....

I like this cartoon, but do you really need to have so many scissors around here?

Woah! Did you just say you want to CUT MY HAIR??!!

Some comfort food and Dora on TV to compensate for the trauma (note the crew cut).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Playdoh Lesson II

Enough Kaden, this is your 2nd brownie already...

Yeah right, that's what you think, it's my 4th one actually!

Hmmm... Brownie? Or babe? Brownie? Or babe?


Definitely brownie!!!!
Phew! It was hard work polishing off all those brownies, this is my 6th one (dozing off...)

Where did you say you got these brownies from again?

Playdoh Lesson I

Alright class, today's lecture shall focus on geometry and spectrometry...
Kaden and friends.

All attention to the Playdoh teacher giving a demonstration.

Yup. I knew that one!

Does anyone know what happens when you mix red Playdoh with yellow Playdoh? You there, the little boy in black UCB top.
Kaden: Oh no! Oh no! What's the answer?? Urrmm... Playdoh?

Choose the Red Playdoh, you go back to sleep and wake up to the life you live everyday.
Choose the Blue Playdoh, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep this rabbit hole goes...

Kaden at work with Playdoh

Little hands make BIG things (a bus).... well, a little BIG thing.

And the winner of this year's Playdoh competition is..... Kaden, with his mini-cornetto!

Dinner at Kome IV

When the stomach is full, mischief sets in...

Uncle Wong setting a bad example for Kaden. Tsk! Tsk!

Chin Hsuan Jeh-jeh asking for my booger??!!

Two servings for me!

I wanna be like Vidal Sassoon when I grow up...

Dinner at Kome III

Kaden was shy with Uncle Wong at first...

But the grape sherbet proved too good to resist.

Must be my lucky day, another serving of ice-cream! Arrmm!!

Uncle Wong getting better with every spoonful!

Paternal instincts awakened?

Field day for Kaden. Endless supply of grape sherbet...
We were glad to have our food served after Jessie almost went ballistic with the attitude waitress. She attempted to order the whole menu, item by item, then cancel the orders, item by item. I guess the waitress had a bad night with us. To top it all, we couldn't decide on how much ice-cream to have, what flavours and which combo. Only Kaden was nice enough to take any ice-cream that came his way.

Single scoop of grape sherbet...

Or a green tea-grape combo?

Dinner at Kome II

Umeshu at Kome was good.

All the gals had their share of the good stuff.

Waiting for their umeshu...

Cheers! At least one gal was very happy when the umeshu was served.

Dinner at Kome I

On the 14th of March 2009, a bunch of ignorant KKH MOs met for a leisurely game of Paintball, initial plan was to test the power of estrogen against testosterone. Thankfully, the heavens took pity on the fairer sex and brought forth a thunderstorm to avert a massacre. It ended up as a bowling showdown instead (5 girls vs 4 guys).

Here's the bowling score board, guys on the left and gals on the right (the actual names are not revealed in order to protect the interests of Nat and Jes). Although Testosterones bettered Estrogens by a relatively close margin, I guess everyone was just glad that the thunderstorm had prevented the peri-mortal donation of 10 female kidneys and 5 female livers (though ONE may not be eligible...). Victory dinner was at Kome Restaurant in Keppel Club.

Mouthwatering swordfish sashimi (this was our 7th order, the 8th began to look like french fries, and so we reckon they were running low).

Despite the defeat in bowling, there was no love lost and couples were still couples...

The Wongs (Mrs Wong discovers yet another secret talent of Mr Wong - bowling).

Nat and Jason (she was the only one telling the truth when she said this was her first try at bowling).

And good buddies remain...

Jessie and Sze Ching

Carrie and Chin Hsuan